Website Progress
Starting off with where i'm currently at and how i'm progressing with pictures.
Here is a screenshot of website progress currently the about page is nearly finished just lacking the flash banner at the top.

In the picture below, is basically my finshed layout for the all the website pages excluding the index page which is more of a portal.
Ive kept within the design style of Modern Toss by keeping the sketchy edges around the borders where content will be placed. On all the pages there are links to Modern Toss twitter and tumblr, with the two fly characters take from the show added just to make it more like modern toss.

Website layout without the fancy grapics, very simple and stuff not much to say about it. Except The footer and the navigation bars were 100px but they seem to big and in the later versions i changed it, to better suit the layout and not take up so much room.

The website currently has six pages or seven Index portal, About, News, Characters, Movies, Gallery.
Index Portal - Is the main page from when the user enters the URL which is mainly going to be a portal.
About - A page explaining about Modern Toss.
News - will be a PHP page which takes News articles from the database i have set up.
Characters - A interactive flash page displaying characters and information about them.
Movies - Embedded Youtube movies, with a list style view
Gallery - A flash gallery displaying extracts from the Modern Toss comics.
I hope to Make a indivdiual banner for each page, in flash either telling a small story about a character or just displaying different characters.
More to follow this post like sketches and wireFrame work! and everything else.
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