Friday 19 March 2010

Rather than Drawing?

Sketch Effect

Alot of Modern Toss creative work has very distinct hand draw style to it. However bad you may think it looks it is apprent throughout there work. I knew this from very early on and needed/wanted to include this within my website, if i had made a website similar to alot of websites nowadays i think i would of lost the character that comes with Modern Toss.

To do this i came to a very different soloution one might expect. I have used Google sketch up in the past and know it to be the easist 3d modeling program to use. I also know that Sketch Up allows the user to apply different styles to their work in real time and not have to wait for it to render. (examples below)

Image to the left just shows what can be achieved with very little editing.

Rather than draw the boxes out, on pen and paper or graphics tablet and waste time finding the right brushes. I saved alot of hassle by making it in Sketch Up very easy to edit and everything is porpotional to each other so no one side is bigger than the other or its not aligned.

I have not just used this technique just for the background of the content boxes, when i was thinking about creating the full flash website i wanted different buildings and structures to appear in my work and this is one of the main reasons i looked to Sketch Up. (more examples below)

Start off with a Sketch Up model which am hoping to use in my work.

Apply Style

Looks like its been Drawn!

The great thing about this method is the fact if you create any model you can point the camera at any point in the model, (the examples above arn't the best camera angles) and have the model any way you need it without the hassle of drawing and re-drawing the model everytime etc.

Colours can be added in photoshop, its also posible to texture the model in sketch up by playing around with the styles. I found this really useful when keeping within the style of Modern Toss. Also while browsing youtube i came across one of their videos i'm sure of which is done using Sketch up as well. The animation at the start can be very easily done in Sketch Up.

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