Research and identify at least two uses of social network integration not given in lecture. This can include RSS feeds. (research twitter and rss feed scripts)
Social Network Inegration using Twitter, lots of people and buisnesses use Twitter to get their message out there, to promote themselfs. Twitter is becoming more and more popular not only by the celebrity endorsement...
One very intresting use of twitter i found out a few days ago, and could see it actually being used for something good was, twitter posts featuring in LIVE news coverage. With the earthquake in Chillie only a few days ago there was alot of talk from news coverage and scientists about a tsunami heading towards Hawaii.
With a potential Tsunami heading for Hawaii the Hawaiin news coverage was all warning the citizens of Hawaii to get to higher ground. Part of their news coverage was relying on Twitter posts by people from Hawaii telling them what shops were open, roads closed, information like that. The news broadcasters would then select Twitter posts and quote them.
I only know this because i was watching a live feed of the news being broadcast.
I guess with social networking interogration becoming more evident we'll see a lot more natural disasters being updated by Twitter, First hand accounts of the situation.
Identify relevant social networks for your project and discuss pros and cons
For my website, Modern Toss use alot of social networking websites and keep them up to date very regualry. It will be important for me to have these links within my website as they are a ideal form of promotion and allows all the followers of Modern Toss to access recent information.
Modern Toss on;
Twitter -
Blogger -
Tumblr -
And to finish it off a picture of Twitter.

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