Wednesday 24 February 2010

Star City :: Nottingham Contemporary

Star City

So went to Nottingham Contemporary seen their latest exhibition 'Star city' with a pretty awesome tagline 'The Future Under Communism' The exhibition is showcasing art with a view to the future from a Communism viewpoint. Their are some quite intresting instatilation pieces. What i particuly like about it was the russian art from the cold war, which was basically propaganda art, to make help promote the soviet space program and to make people belive that this is the future and space travel is only a step away.

The art and instationation pieces showcased are from russian artists and designers, and i found it more intresting to see work from a different point of view rather than from the view of Capaitalism all the time. With Russia opening up more and more work is being displayed what the west would never have seen.

I like all the visonary images of what the cold war had planned for the future and see them as truely inspiring, and often wonder why we havent got a lot of the technology today, but i assume polotics has alot to do with it. Ideas from the Cold War era seemed to lack limititations and it seemed like anything was possible if they could beat America & vice verser.

Overall it was a intresting exibition piece and intresting seeing times and ideas from another point in the world i like it alot and in a way hope some of the pieces can help influence my work in the future.

Ive included some more photos;

[Valentina Petrovich Viktorov, Creative Forces of Socialism are Endless! 1959, poster]

[Soviet Poster]

[Images from the Russian space program.]

[One of the instilation pieces.]

[A model of Sputnik 1, 1957]

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