Sunday 28 February 2010


Flash Banner

Scenario: You work for a web design company that has been commissioned to develop a new campaign for your mobile phone

The part of the site you will create is a simple FLASH animation that links to a main product website and is to be deployed across a variety of websites.

It should consist of at least 6-8 separate sections that include some animation and interaction.
Research your phone and its current advertisement and
build a new campaign banner

Finished Banner


My phone can be found here along with the current exsisting flash advert.


When designing my advert i did not want to waste the users time so i made all my flash pages relevent with only vital and important information. When designing my advert i allowed the user to skip to the next page with a button feature on each page so they could spend time watching the animation or not. My advert has few images and only close-ups of the mobile phone, i made the text bold and itatlic to give the impression that my phone is going places and by doing this i'm making bold statements with my advert. - 5 minutes writing this

All my animation in my advert is done using Actionscript.

Problems i encountered when using actionscript, the only reason i added the next button feature to my advert was becasue i couldn't get any of the code i found to move the the next frame after playing the animation it would all skip the animation and just jump to the next frame. I will learn how to fix this in my next animation, but for this advert i made the tactical descion just to include a button to go to the next frame and the user can control that.

I had a few problems with getting the buttons to work on each page, as Flash doesn't like duplicate pieces of code, very simple and easy soloution to this was just to add another character into the button code just changing part of the name and flash loves it.

Advantages i found to using action script to do the animation were i did not have to mess about with lots of frames on the timeline or make a lot of movie clips with actionscript it made it alot simpler in that respect. The only drawback i found using actionscript was i could not play the animation in flash beacuse it was only 1 frame long i could not see where objects would be at the end of the animation which meant alot of guessing and changes to the X & Y co-ords.

Overall i think it turned alright and will be looking to include flash within my main project, and will probably be doing more Actionscript in my flash.

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