A Long Time Ago . . .
As unimaginable as it may seem now, when George Lucas initially showed his script for 'Star Wars' around Hollywood, the reception he received was far from enthusiastic.
In fact by the time it reached United Artists and Universal it was greeted with outright rejection. A decision they doubtless regret to this day. . .
"I think it was a sin that those people looked at it and didn't grasp the scope of the images George wanted to relay, but they didn't see any drawings."*
George resolved he wouldn't continue relying upon studio execs to use their imagination. He decided he would utilise Ralph's talents to spell out how the movie would look.
When he made his pitch to Alan Ladd Jr. at 20th Century Fox he did so with a table full of Ralph's art.
The rest as the say is history.
Sourced http://www.ralphmcquarrie.com/gallery_1/star_wars/hope/index.html

Star Wars created instant icons Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, light sabers, the death star, boba fett with Star Wars fans although not being in the movies for huge amounts of time and many more icons. Star Wars is a fantastic piece of design as the story of the film allows the audience to engage in this new world and we see all these exciting new ships and new worlds. I like the design of the orignal films much better than the 3 prequel ones where rather than a actually story its more of special effects show reel. The orginal films instantly has more reconisable designs than the new ones.
How may Ralph McQuarrie influence my practice his concept designs are not just designs they are art. And if i reflect this in my practive i suppose thats how he will have a influence on my work and if i ever decide to start drawing the future or maybe designing the future.

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