Design Exercise 10
Choose a real life local example of a trading retail establishment….restaurant, clothes shop, music venue, bar, dry cleaners, clock shop, pawnbrokers..whatever…
Must be a currently active establishment. Does not have to have a current website operating.
Research then design and build a xhtml/css website to WC3 standards in 14 days!

I would like to change this and make my site more about the rugs and viewing different rugs from different cultures in a different style. I really liked the style of the Designers Republic and hope to design the website in their style of design. I would also like to add a profile to each rug with a list of stats. I'm also thinking if i can make a 3d element with papervison although my skill now with it is none i have done some research into it and if i have enough time would like to add some of this the site.
Website Image

Website Image

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