Taking 2 things i like then putting them together to make a logo, in the style of a logo.
After Drawing the bird i then moved it on it to photoshop where i created part of the logo.
Fist image without sun glasses,
Second image with sunglasses.
I belive the crow with the sunglasses looks better, and thats why i choose it for my Logo

After creating the Crow in Photoshop i set about making it into a logo, the picture below was my original idea however it didn't look as good as i'd hoped. The crow might be a bit big for the circle but it looked better than a smaller version i tried before. Soon after i came up with another idea picture below the picture below.

This in my opionion looks far better, and sort of has a element of humour to it aswell.

Variations of the same design, just playing around with the gradient tool on photoshop.

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