Saturday 21 March 2009

Identities, All wings report in!

This post is just going to be a summary of my ideas, what they are and where i see them going.

I'll start with my my Logo, which is pretty much completed and i will post it after i have written this in another post.

Is going to be a Crow the bird & hopefully look like the crow which is in my logo only 3D and animate. I have done sketches of this and will start to make it it in 3D Max soon.

3D box/Showcase Room:
Refer to Mood board which has huge text saying "the Jam", i want the box/showcase to be an underground bar (sketches to follow soon!) so if i can the user gets to walk around it and click on indvidual items(virtual objects) in the bar which opens up the other the 5 elements which reflect my personal identity. Or still have the walk around feature and when the user walks to a certain area it could trigger 1 of the elements etc, i'll come to that when i have made the box, those are just the ideas i have got so far.

Audio Visual element:
I was thinking of doing something in flash creating a short movie, have another idea which involves a crow again (i think in the breif it said something about continuetity so i think i got that bit covered) but yeah my idea, starts of with Crow landing on a bin, like they do. Then further on in the movie it starts taking/finding objects out of the bin - the items keep getting stranger & stranger, until i think the crow will find a light saber then another rival bird who has has a light saber conicidence? maybe... But back to the story they end up having a duel thats as far as ive got, i started a story board for it and will post it on my blog soon. <--- thats only 1 idea i may find something better.

2 Other elements which reflect my personal Identity:
Maybe a website, just from the seminars we've had on websites
other than that i'm still thinking about it.

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