Sunday, 20 February 2011

SPP: Post graduate course 4/4

Web Design and Content Planning, MA

Web Design and Content Planning, MA - University of Greenwich



This programme takes graduates from many disciplines and provides them with the skills to plan, design, build and promote effective websites. It is aimed both at people who manage corporate websites and at those who wish to start their own web business. The design of excellent websites presents a notable intellectual challenge and, during the programme, students develop a modern, professional and 'real-world' approach. Our objective is to provide a balanced education in the three main aspects of web design and content management: technical, functional and aesthetic.
The technical aspects of the teaching provide an understanding of the tools, technologies and principles used for the design and development of contemporary websites. This includes the creation of semantically correct markup, the separation of presentation from content (HTML and CSS) and compliance with web standards (W3C). The functional aspects focus on the creation of websites with good information architecture that are accessible, useable and findable as a result of effective search engine marketing and optimisation (SEM/SEO). Students learn how people use the web, how they navigate web content and how they search for information. The aesthetic aspects of web design are considered in relation to graphic, artistic, typographic and business objectives, including corporate identity and branding. Student competence in these three aspects of web design is demonstrated by their delivery of a fully-functioning website for their Web Thesis Project at the end of the programme. Typically, our students fall into three groups: those with web-related skills (often self-taught) who need a structured and balanced approach to further study; those who are involved with the web and need new skills to develop their present careers; those who have decided on a career change and see web design and content management as a new opportunity.

Aims of the programme

* To equip students with a professional level of competence in web design and content management

* To give non-designers an understanding and appreciation of design
* To provide students with the opportunity of creating a live website and to measure its success
* To help students become familiar with the growing and fast-evolving body of knowledge within this new design discipline

* Webpage Design
* Website Planning
* Content Management
* Applied Art for the Web
* Web Thesis Project

Found though Postgraduate search - link

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