Physical Environment :: Boots Libary
Who is this environment for?
The physical environment is mainly for students & lecturers.
What is the environment for?The boots Libary main purpose is a libary containing a vast collection of books and information, the environment is provided by Nottingham Trent University to support stundents & lectuerers in the exploration for more information. The libary also has seminar rooms for members of the university to hold meetings and other events there are also lecturer theaters on the higher floors.
The Library facilities at Nottingham Trent University have more than 531,000 books, more than 2,800 journals as well as online access to over 10,000 online journals and nearly 300 databases. If you want to go and study there are silent study rooms, as well as rooms for group study if you want to work with your friends or people from your course. There is also access to computers and the internet 24 hours a day.
* Boots Library is on the city campus and has the resources for the schools of art and design, design, social science, business and law.
How is the environment organised?The Boots libary has numerical system for the books stored in the libary, the physical layout of the libary.
- Lower ground floor :Has the majority of print journals
The Information Skills Training Room is used by LLR staff to provide regular training sessions
The Time Out Room
- Ground floorReception Desk
NUS card scanners & security
Self service issue and return machines
Computers on the ground floor
Wireless zone
Information Desk
Audio Visual Material section
Group study Rooms
- First floorHouses the majority of the books
Art & design books and material
More group study rooms
Silent study area at the back of this floor
- Second floor
This floor is a slient study floor
Bigger books live on this floor
Law books & material on this floor
- Third floor
The Third Floor of the building houses the Bass Management Centre and is not part of the Library
This is where the lecturer theaters are
- fourth floorThe Fourth Floor is a large resource area with over 180 PCs and study spaces
Scanners and colour printing facilities are available
4th floor open 24/7
How is the space signposted/ negotiated?There are plenty of signs around the unviersity pointing to the boots libary, it also right in the centre of the city campus and adjecent to the Nottingham Trent tram stop, can't miss it.
How do you feel about the space?Pretty awesome.
What problems can you see? predict?
Gaining pictures maybe but then people might get in the way, or there might be angry libary staff, i don't think i will have too many problems gaining information about the libary.