The picture posted above is great, when we were asked to make a map of the internet with post it notes, we started by putting the most popular sites visted nearer the top and made a nice hirearchy of Popular sites and past times on the internet, with more popular at the top and least popular at the bottom.

Although it is difficult to make out what the post its read i will explain it here, at the top of the board we had Google personally i don't think anything can be more popular than google at present. Google is everywhere on the internet and even when you not looking for it.
Underneath Google is the rest of the internet i'll call it level 2, there was facebook, Youtube, ebay.
Under that BBC iplayer, flickr, bebo, twitter
Then the rest of the internet follows, but thinking about this whats defined as popular by us from the UK would/might be different to say in America not by much, but China i think if they were to make a list it would look very different to what we made.
However in about 5 years it will look different again, and will keep evolving until the internet becomes self aware and refuses to be used by humans and ultimately declares war on humans.
Lighter note i found a nice websites which tells everyone the 50 most popular websites.
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