Albino Black Sheep is a site which hosts flash videos, flash games, users can also upload music to the website. Albinoblacksheep has a very nice site layout which makes it easy for the user to navigate. At the top other the homepage they have a box with all the popular featured flash videos & flash games. Each section has a similar layout with promoted videos at the top and then a category view to browser content.
All the content is user made and anyone is free to create a account and upload on to Albinoblacksheep. Albinoblacksheep is responsible for quite a few popular videos on the internet which have found there way in the mainstream part of the internet. Some examplesyou might of heard of are, Badger, badger, badger, The Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, Salad fingers & Peanut Butter Jelly i'm sure theres more but there the ones i can think from the top of my head.
Other notable flash movies the less well know ones some of my favourites
The Demented Cartoon Movie <--- 33minutes of genious
The french Erotic film
The end of the world
I really like this site and others like it, and hope that some of the content influences and reflects in my work.